
class dynamo.vf.vfGraph(*args, **kwds)[source]

A class for manipulating the graph creating from the transition matrix, built from the (reconstructed) vector field. This is a derived class from igraph’s Graph.

__init__(*args, **kwds)[source]


Adjacency(matrix[, mode])

Generates a graph from its adjacency matrix.

Asymmetric_Preference(type_dist_matrix, ...)

Generates a graph based on asymmetric vertex types and connection probabilities.


Generates a graph from the Graph Atlas.

Barabasi(m[, outpref, directed, power, ...])

Generates a graph based on the Barabasi-Albert model.

Bipartite(types, edges[, directed])

Creates a bipartite graph with the given vertex types and edges.

DataFrame(edges[, directed, vertices, use_vids])

Generates a graph from one or two dataframes.


Generates a de Bruijn graph with parameters (m, n)

Degree_Sequence([in_, method])

Generates a graph with a given degree sequence.

DictList(vertices, edges[, directed, ...])

Constructs a graph from a list-of-dictionaries representation.

Erdos_Renyi(p, m[, directed, loops])

Generates a graph based on the Erdos-Renyi model.

Establishment(k, type_dist, pref_matrix[, ...])

Generates a graph based on a simple growing model with vertex types.


Generates a famous graph based on its name.

Forest_Fire(fw_prob[, bw_factor, ambs, directed])

Generates a graph based on the forest fire model

Formula([formula, attr, simplify])

Generates a graph from a graph formula

Full([directed, loops])

Generates a full graph (directed or undirected, with or without loops).

Full_Bipartite(n1, n2[, directed, mode])

Generates a full bipartite graph (directed or undirected, with or without loops).


Generates a full citation graph

GRG(n, radius[, torus])

Generates a random geometric graph.

Growing_Random(m[, directed, citation])

Generates a growing random graph.

Incidence(matrix[, directed, mode, ...])

Creates a bipartite graph from an incidence matrix.

Isoclass(cls[, directed])

Generates a graph with a given isomorphism class.

K_Regular(k[, directed, multiple])

Generates a k-regular random graph


Generates a Kautz graph with parameters (m, n)

LCF(shifts, repeats)

Generates a graph from LCF notation.

Lattice([nei, directed, mutual, circular])

Generates a regular lattice.

Load(f[, format])

Unified reading function for graphs.

Preference(type_dist, pref_matrix[, ...])

Generates a graph based on vertex types and connection probabilities.

Random_Bipartite(n1, n2[, p, m, directed, ...])

Generates a random bipartite graph with the given number of vertices and edges (if m is given), or with the given number of vertices and the given connection probability (if p is given).

Read(f[, format])

Unified reading function for graphs.

Read_Adjacency(f[, sep, comment_char, attribute])

Constructs a graph based on an adjacency matrix from the given file.

Read_DIMACS(f[, directed])

Reads a graph from a file conforming to the DIMACS minimum-cost flow file format.


Reads an UCINET DL file and creates a graph based on it.


Reads an edge list from a file and creates a graph based on it.


Reads a GML file and creates a graph based on it.


Reads a GraphDB format file and creates a graph based on it.


Reads a GraphML format file and creates a graph based on it.

Read_GraphMLz(f[, index])

Reads a graph from a zipped GraphML file.

Read_Lgl([names, weights, directed])

Reads an .lgl file used by LGL.

Read_Ncol([names, weights, directed])

Reads an .ncol file used by LGL.


Reads a Pajek format file and creates a graph based on it.


Reads a graph from Python pickled format


Reads a graph from compressed Python pickled format, uncompressing it on-the-fly.

Realize_Degree_Sequence([in_, ...])

Generates a graph from a degree sequence.

Recent_Degree(m, window[, outpref, ...])

Generates a graph based on a stochastic model where the probability of an edge gaining a new node is proportional to the edges gained in a given time window.

Ring([directed, mutual, circular])

Generates a ring graph.

SBM(pref_matrix, block_sizes[, directed, loops])

Generates a graph based on a stochastic blockmodel.

Star([mode, center])

Generates a star graph.

Static_Fitness(fitness_out[, fitness_in, ...])

Generates a non-growing graph with edge probabilities proportional to node fitnesses.

Static_Power_Law(m, exponent_out[, ...])

Generates a non-growing graph with prescribed power-law degree distributions.

Tree(children[, type])

Generates a tree in which almost all vertices have the same number of children.

Tree_Game([directed, method])

Generates a random tree by sampling uniformly from the set of labelled trees with a given number of nodes.

TupleList(edges[, directed, ...])

Constructs a graph from a list-of-tuples representation.

Watts_Strogatz(size, nei, p[, loops, multiple])

@param dim: the dimension of the lattice @param size: the size of the lattice along all dimensions @param nei: value giving the distance (number of steps) within which two vertices will be connected. @param p: rewiring probability.

Weighted_Adjacency(matrix[, mode, attr, loops])

Generates a graph from its weighted adjacency matrix.

__init__(*args, **kwds)

add_edge(source, target, **kwds)

Adds a single edge to the graph.

add_edges(es[, attributes])

Adds some edges to the graph.


Adds a single vertex to the graph.

add_vertices(n[, attributes])

Adds some vertices to the graph.

adhesion([target, checks])

Calculates the edge connectivity of the graph or between some vertices.


Returns a list containing all the minimal s-t separators of a graph.

all_st_cuts(source, target)

Returns all the cuts between the source and target vertices in a directed graph.

all_st_mincuts(source, target[, capacity])

Returns all the mincuts between the source and target vertices in a directed graph.


Returns the independence number of the graph.


Decides whether two given vertices are directly connected.


Returns the list of articulation points in the graph.

as_directed(*args, **kwds)

Returns a directed copy of this graph.

as_undirected(*args, **kwds)

Returns an undirected copy of this graph.

assortativity([types2, directed])

Returns the assortativity of the graph based on numeric properties of the vertices.


Returns the assortativity of a graph based on vertex degrees.


Returns the assortativity of the graph based on vertex categories.


@return: the attribute name list of the graph

authority_score([scale, arpack_options, ...])

Calculates Kleinberg's authority score for the vertices of the graph


Calculates the average path length in a graph.

betweenness([directed, cutoff, weights])

Calculates or estimates the betweenness of vertices in a graph.


Conducts a breadth first search (BFS) on the graph.

bfsiter([mode, advanced])

Constructs a breadth first search (BFS) iterator of the graph.


Calculates bibliographic coupling scores for given vertices in a graph.


Calculates the biconnected components of the graph.

bipartite_projection([types, multiplicity, ...])

Projects a bipartite graph into two one-mode graphs.


Calculates the number of vertices and edges in the bipartite projections of this graph according to the specified vertex types.


Calculates the biconnected components of the graph.


Returns the list of bridges in the graph.


build sparse diffusion graph.


Calculates the canonical permutation of a graph using the BLISS isomorphism algorithm.


chordal_complation(alpha=None, alpham1=None)


Clears the graph, deleting all vertices, edges, and attributes.


Returns the clique number of the graph.


Returns some or all cliques of the graph as a list of tuples.

closeness([mode, cutoff, weights, normalized])

Calculates the closeness centralities of given vertices in a graph.


Calculates the (strong or weak) clusters (connected components) for a given graph.


Calculates cocitation scores for given vertices in a graph.

cohesion([target, checks, neighbors])

Calculates the vertex connectivity of the graph or between some vertices.


Calculates the cohesive block structure of the graph.

community_edge_betweenness([clusters, ...])

Community structure based on the betweenness of the edges in the network.


Community structure based on the greedy optimization of modularity.

community_infomap([edge_weights, ...])

Finds the community structure of the network according to the Infomap method of Martin Rosvall and Carl T.

community_label_propagation([weights, ...])

Finds the community structure of the graph according to the label propagation method of Raghavan et al.

community_leading_eigenvector([clusters, ...])

Newman's leading eigenvector method for detecting community structure.


Naive implementation of Newman's eigenvector community structure detection.

community_leiden([objective_function, ...])

Finds the community structure of the graph using the Leiden algorithm of Traag, van Eck & Waltman.

community_multilevel([weights, return_levels])

Community structure based on the multilevel algorithm of Blondel et al.

community_optimal_modularity(*args, **kwds)

Calculates the optimal modularity score of the graph and the corresponding community structure.

community_spinglass(*args, **kwds)

Finds the community structure of the graph according to the spinglass community detection method of Reichardt & Bornholdt.

community_walktrap([weights, steps])

Community detection algorithm of Latapy & Pons, based on random walks.


Returns the complementer of the graph


Calculates the (strong or weak) clusters (connected components) for a given graph.


Returns the composition of two graphs.


Calculates Burt's constraint scores for given vertices in a graph.


Contracts some vertices in the graph, i.e. replaces groups of vertices with single vertices.


Undocumented (yet).


Undocumented (yet).



Creates a copy of the graph.


Finds the coreness (shell index) of the vertices of the network.

count_automorphisms_vf2([color, edge_color, ...])

Returns the number of automorphisms of the graph.

count_isomorphisms_vf2([color1, color2, ...])

Determines the number of isomorphisms between the graph and another one


Counts the multiplicities of the given edges.

count_subisomorphisms_vf2([color1, color2, ...])

Determines the number of subisomorphisms between the graph and another one


Returns the list of articulation points in the graph.

decompose([maxcompno, minelements])

Decomposes the graph into subgraphs.

degree([mode, loops])

Returns some vertex degrees from the graph.


Calculates the degree distribution of the graph.

delete_edges(*args, **kwds)

Deletes some edges from the graph.


Deletes vertices and all its edges from the graph.


Calculates the density of the graph.

dfs(vid[, mode])

Conducts a depth first search (DFS) on the graph.

dfsiter([mode, advanced])

Constructs a depth first search (DFS) iterator of the graph.

diameter([unconn, weights])

Calculates the diameter of the graph.


Subtracts the given graph from the original


Creates the disjoint union of two (or more) graphs.


Calculates the structural diversity index of the vertices.


Returns the dominator tree from the given root node

dyad_census(*args, **kwds)

Calculates the dyad census of the graph.


Calculates the eccentricities of given vertices in a graph.


Counts the number of edges.


@return: the attribute name list of the edges of the graph

edge_betweenness([cutoff, weights])

Calculates or estimates the edge betweennesses in a graph.

edge_connectivity([target, checks])

Calculates the edge connectivity of the graph or between some vertices.

edge_disjoint_paths([target, checks])

Calculates the edge connectivity of the graph or between some vertices.


eigenvector_centrality([scale, weights, ...])

Calculates the eigenvector centralities of the vertices in a graph.

evcent([scale, weights, return_eigenvalue, ...])

Calculates the eigenvector centralities of the vertices in a graph.

farthest_points([unconn, weights])

Returns two vertex IDs whose distance equals the actual diameter of the graph.


Calculates an approximately or exactly minimal feedback arc set.


Converts the graph from graph-tool


Converts the graph from networkx

get_adjacency([type, attribute, default, eids])

Returns the adjacency matrix of a graph.


Returns the adjacency matrix of a graph as a SciPy CSR matrix.


Returns the adjacency list representation of the graph.

get_all_shortest_paths([to, weights, mode])

Calculates all of the shortest paths from/to a given node in a graph.

get_all_simple_paths(v[, to, cutoff, mode])

Calculates all the simple paths from a given node to some other nodes (or all of them) in a graph.

get_automorphisms_vf2([color, edge_color, ...])

Returns all the automorphisms of the graph

get_diameter([unconn, weights])

Returns a path with the actual diameter of the graph.


Export edges with attributes to pandas.DataFrame


Returns the edge list of a graph.

get_eid(v2[, directed, error])

Returns the edge ID of an arbitrary edge between vertices v1 and v2

get_eids([path, directed, error])

Returns the edge IDs of some edges between some vertices.


Returns the incidence matrix of a bipartite graph.


Returns the incidence list representation of the graph.

get_isomorphisms_vf2([color1, color2, ...])

Returns all isomorphisms between the graph and another one

get_shortest_paths([to, weights, mode, output])

Calculates the shortest paths from/to a given node in a graph.

get_subisomorphisms_lad([domains, induced, ...])

Returns all subisomorphisms between the graph and another one using the LAD algorithm.

get_subisomorphisms_vf2([color1, color2, ...])

Returns all subisomorphisms between the graph and another one


Export vertices with attributes to pandas.DataFrame


Returns the girth of the graph.

gomory_hu_tree([capacity, flow])

Calculates the Gomory-Hu tree of an undirected graph with optional edge capacities.

harmonic_centrality([mode, cutoff, weights, ...])

Calculates the harmonic centralities of given vertices in a graph.


Checks whether the graph has multiple edges.

hub_score([scale, arpack_options, ...])

Calculates Kleinberg's hub score for the vertices of the graph


Returns the edges a given vertex is incident on.

indegree(*args, **kwds)

Returns the in-degrees in a list.


Returns the independence number of the graph.


Returns some or all independent vertex sets of the graph as a list of tuples.


Returns a subgraph spanned by the given vertices.

intersection(other[, byname])

Creates the intersection of two (or more) graphs.


Decides whether the graph is bipartite or not.


Returns whether the graph is chordal or not.


Decides whether the graph is connected.


Checks whether the graph is a DAG (directed acyclic graph).


Checks whether the graph is directed.


Checks whether a specific set of edges contain loop edges


Decides whether the given vertex set is a minimal separator.


Checks whether an edge is a multiple edge.


Checks whether an edge has an opposite pair.


Returns whether the graph is named.


Decides whether the removal of the given vertices disconnects the graph.


Checks whether the graph is simple (no loop or multiple edges).


Checks whether the graph is a (directed or undirected) tree graph.


Returns whether the graph is weighted.


Returns the isomorphism class of the graph or its subgraph.


Checks whether the graph is isomorphic to another graph.

isomorphic_bliss([return_mapping_12, ...])

Checks whether the graph is isomorphic to another graph, using the BLISS isomorphism algorithm.

isomorphic_vf2([color1, color2, ...])

Checks whether the graph is isomorphic to another graph, using the VF2 isomorphism algorithm.


Returns some k-cores of the graph.


Calculates the average degree of the neighbors for each vertex, and the same quantity as the function of vertex degree.


Returns the Laplacian matrix of a graph.


Returns the largest cliques of the graph as a list of tuples.


Returns the largest independent vertex sets of the graph as a list of tuples.


Returns the layout of the graph according to a layout algorithm.

layout_auto(*args, **kwds)

Chooses and runs a suitable layout function based on simple topological properties of the graph.


Place the vertices of a bipartite graph in two layers.


Places the vertices of the graph uniformly on a circle or a sphere.


Places the vertices on a 2D plane according to the Davidson-Harel layout algorithm.


Places the vertices on a 2D plane or in the 3D space ccording to the DrL layout algorithm.


Places the vertices on a 2D plane according to the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm.


Alias for L{layout_fruchterman_reingold()} with dim=3.


This is a port of the graphopt layout algorithm by Michael Schmuhl.


Places the vertices of a graph in a 2D or 3D grid.


Alias for L{layout_grid()} with dim=3.


Places the vertices on a plane according to the Kamada-Kawai algorithm.


Alias for L{layout_kamada_kawai()} with dim=3.


Places the vertices on a 2D plane according to the Large Graph Layout.


Places the vertices in an Euclidean space with the given number of dimensions using multidimensional scaling.


Places the vertices of the graph randomly.


Alias for L{layout_random()} with dim=3.


Places the vertices on a 2D plane according to the Reingold-Tilford layout algorithm.


Circular Reingold-Tilford layout for trees.


Alias for L{layout_circle()} with dim=3.


Calculates a star-like layout for the graph.

layout_sugiyama([layers, weights, hgap, ...])

Places the vertices using a layered Sugiyama layout.


Returns the line graph of the graph.

maxdegree([mode, loops])

Returns the maximum degree of a vertex set in the graph.

maxflow(source, target[, capacity])

Returns a maximum flow between the given source and target vertices in a graph.

maxflow_value(target[, capacity])

Returns the value of the maximum flow between the source and target vertices.

maximal_cliques([max, file])

Returns the maximal cliques of the graph as a list of tuples.


Returns the maximal independent vertex sets of the graph as a list of tuples.

maximum_bipartite_matching([types, weights, eps])

Finds a maximum matching in a bipartite graph.


Conducts a maximum cardinality search on the graph.

mincut([source, target, capacity])

Calculates the minimum cut between the given source and target vertices or within the whole graph.

mincut_value([target, capacity])

Returns the minimum cut between the source and target vertices or within the whole graph.


Returns a list containing all separator vertex sets of minimum size.

modularity(membership[, weights])

Calculates the modularity score of the graph with respect to a given clustering.

motifs_randesu([cut_prob, callback])

Counts the number of motifs in the graph

motifs_randesu_estimate([cut_prob, sample])

Counts the total number of motifs in the graph


Counts the total number of motifs in the graph

multimaxflow(sources, sinks)

Multi-source multi-sink maximum flow.

neighborhood([order, mode, mindist])

For each vertex specified by I{vertices}, returns the vertices reachable from that vertex in at most I{order} steps.

neighborhood_size([order, mode, mindist])

For each vertex specified by I{vertices}, returns the number of vertices reachable from that vertex in at most I{order} steps.


Returns adjacent vertices to a given vertex.


Returns the clique number of the graph.

outdegree(*args, **kwds)

Returns the out-degrees in a list.

pagerank([vertices, directed, damping, ...])

Calculates the PageRank values of a graph.


Returns the path length histogram of the graph


Permutes the vertices of the graph according to the given permutation and returns the new graph.

personalized_pagerank([directed, damping, ...])

Calculates the personalized PageRank values of a graph.


Returns the predecessors of a given vertex.


Calculates the radius of the graph.

random_walk(steps[, mode, stuck])

Performs a random walk of a given length from a given node.


Reciprocity defines the proportion of mutual connections in a directed graph.


Randomly rewires the graph while preserving the degree distribution.

rewire_edges([loops, multiple])

Rewires the edges of a graph with constant probability.

save(f[, format])

Unified writing function for graphs.


Finds the coreness (shell index) of the vertices of the network.

shortest_paths([target, weights, mode])

Calculates shortest path lengths for given vertices in a graph.

shortest_paths_dijkstra([target, weights, mode])

Calculates shortest path lengths for given vertices in a graph.

similarity_dice([pairs, mode, loops])

Dice similarity coefficient of vertices.


Inverse log-weighted similarity coefficient of vertices.

similarity_jaccard([pairs, mode, loops])

Jaccard similarity coefficient of vertices.

simplify([loops, combine_edges])

Simplifies a graph by removing self-loops and/or multiple edges.

spanning_tree([weights, return_tree])

Calculates a minimum spanning tree for a graph.

st_mincut(source, target[, capacity])

Calculates the minimum cut between the source and target vertices in a graph.

strength([mode, loops, weights])

Returns the strength (weighted degree) of some vertices from the graph


Determines the indices of vertices which are in the same component as a given vertex.


Returns a subgraph spanned by the given vertices.


Returns a subgraph spanned by the given edges.

subisomorphic_lad([domains, induced, ...])

Checks whether a subgraph of the graph is isomorphic to another graph.

subisomorphic_vf2([color1, color2, ...])

Checks whether a subgraph of the graph is isomorphic to another graph.


Returns the successors of a given vertex.

summary([verbosity, width])

Returns the summary of the graph.


Converts an undirected graph to directed.

to_graph_tool([graph_attributes, ...])

Converts the graph to graph-tool


Converts the graph to networkx format.


Converts a tree graph into a Prufer sequence.


Converts a directed graph to undirected.


Calculates a possible topological sorting of the graph.

transitivity_avglocal_undirected([mode, weights])

Calculates the average of the vertex transitivities of the graph.

transitivity_local_undirected([mode, weights])

Calculates the local transitivity (clustering coefficient) of the given vertices in the graph.


Calculates the global transitivity (clustering coefficient) of the graph.

triad_census(*args, **kwds)

Calculates the triad census of the graph.


Unfolds the graph using a BFS to a tree by duplicating vertices as necessary.

union(other[, byname])

Creates the union of two (or more) graphs.


Counts the number of vertices.


@return: the attribute name list of the vertices of the graph

vertex_connectivity([target, checks, neighbors])

Calculates the vertex connectivity of the graph or between some vertices.

vertex_disjoint_paths([target, checks, ...])

Calculates the vertex connectivity of the graph or between some vertices.

write(f[, format])

Unified writing function for graphs.

write_adjacency(f[, sep, eol])

Writes the adjacency matrix of the graph to the given file

write_dimacs(f[, source, target, capacity])

Writes the graph in DIMACS format to the given file.


Writes the graph in DOT format to the given file.


Writes the edge list of a graph to a file.

write_gml([creator, ids])

Writes the graph in GML format to the given file.


Writes the graph to a GraphML file.

write_graphmlz(f[, compresslevel])

Writes the graph to a zipped GraphML file.

write_leda([names, weights])

Writes the graph to a file in LEDA native format.

write_lgl([names, weights, isolates])

Writes the edge list of a graph to a file in .lgl format.

write_ncol([names, weights])

Writes the edge list of a graph to a file in .ncol format.


Writes the graph in Pajek format to the given file.

write_pickle([fname, version])

Saves the graph in Python pickled format

write_picklez([fname, version])

Saves the graph in Python pickled format, compressed with gzip.

write_svg(fname[, layout, width, height, ...])

Saves the graph as an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file



The edge sequence of the graph


The vertex sequence of the graph